Feb 21, 2011

Gywneth Paltrow shares the front row with Bryanboy?

Gwyneth Paltrow is on the cover of Harper's Bazaar UK March 2011. She talks about everything from Beyonce, singing at the Country Music Awards, her life between UK and USA as well as her mini blog GOOP. Does Paltrow want to share the front rows with Bryanboy?
Gwyneth Paltrow in Dolce&Gabbana
Definitely not. Gwyneth Paltrow confesses to Harper's Bazaar UK in their March 2011 issue: 'My thing with GOOP has always been, if you don't like it, then don't log onto it. There were a couple of times when I thought 'I'm just gonna stop doing it. People are so mean to me. I don't want to do it.' But then I was like, 'Who cares what some lame person out there says?' I was in Italy once, and this old man came up to me and said, 'I had the best time in Nashville because ofGOOP.' And that is so worth to me.'

Gwyneth Paltrow in Dolce&Gabbana
GOOP is Gywneth Paltrow's newsletter slash blog where she shares stuff she likes to do, things she recently ate, places she's been to and so on. If you'd like to check it out, you can find it here. We were so busy thinking that Madonna's daughter would be the new competitor of Bryanboy thanks to her blog that we unfortunately have missed upon this. We'll follow you for sure, Gwyneth! 
Credits: Alexi Lubomirski, Harper's Bazaar 
TAGS: alexi lubomirski dolce&gabbana dolce & gabbana goop d&g d & gonline luxury magazine gwyneth paltrow leopard harpers harper's bazaarharpers bazaar 2011 march uk united kingdom press cutting cuttingseditorial hollywood usa magazine celebrity blog celebrities blogger bryan boy bryanboy 

Nicole Kidman's Confession on Plastic Surgery

Nicole Kidman looks dazzling in a white lace dress on the cover of Marie Claire UK March 2011. She bares it all about her ex husband, plastic surgeries and life in general. Did she or not have a botox?
'Well, I move my forehead, I frown… I tried it, I didn't like it, so I've gone back to my own forehead. But I've never had plastic surgery on my face. People say I have but I haven't,' is what Nicole Kidman confesses to Marie Claire

UK March 2011.

There were a lot of speculations on this issue recently. Some critics had even said that after her top performance in 'The Others', she had started going down in her career because of the plastic surgeries and the inability of facial gestures they cause… Yet, she proved them wrong with her role in 'The Rabbit Hole'.
Now at 43 year old, doesn't she look amazing?